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Paper Bark Maple Tree (Acer Griseum)

Paper Bark Maple Tree (Acer Griseum). Dating back to 1901 in Britain this is a beautiful Chinese curiosity suitable for the arboretum or garden. It's small in size and has cinnamon coloured peeling bark. If left alone curling translucent sheets of paper thin bark eventually hang from the stems and branches. These are particularly stunning when back lit by the sun. In addition to its distinctive stem this trifoliate maple produces a range of seasonal foliage colours. New leaves unfold pale orange-brown and turn pinkish yellow before becoming green for the summer. In autumn a fine display of scarlet and deep red may be expected. In the wild state paperbark maple is now endangered. Much of the seed produced is parthenocarpic so germination levels are extremely low. In the horticultural landscape this is an eye-catcher at close or medium range. Paper Bark Maple (Acer Griseum) won't tolerate full sun all day long so it can be planted out at the end of a narrow vista or in a small open glade. It should where possible be viewed from the north side. In Britain most specimens seldom exceed 8 metres tall but the tree can reach 15 metres in ideal growing conditions. It shouldn't be planted closer than 10 metres from another similar sized tree or 20 metres from potentially large trees. Ernest Wilson introduced it to Britain for the Veitch Nursery. It is quite unique and cannot be confused with any other tree.

in 10yrs = 3 metres - 20 yrs=5 metres--event.hgt 10metres


A fertile, well-drained soil and a sheltered position in full sun or part shade.

Key Features

One of the most desirable of the maples. Its outstanding in shape, bark and autumn colour

Paper Bark Maple Tree (Acer Griseum)
Size (cm)
120/150 potted
Price1 - 10
Price11 - 30
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