Showing 61–70 of 85 results
Populus Deltoides Purple Tower
NEW IN - The Populus Deltoides Purple Tower is a very attractive upright and pyramidal tree. A good tree for a smaller garden. This tree grows strictly upright and left unpruned, it might reach the size of its parent plant (up to 25m), so pruning is recommended for keeping it smaller. Pollarding is best practice…From: £47.62 View Product -
Purple Birch Tree (Betula Purpurea)
Purple Birch tree (Betula Purpurea). Arboretum tree, striking purple foliage against silver white bark. This striking tree is very similar to the silver birch, but is more ornamental and looks more columnar than the silver birch. Deep purple foliage appear in the spring followed by more lush red/coppery leaves, which is quite striking against…From: £50.00 View Product -
Red Horse Chestnut – Aesculus Carnea Briotii- Red Flowers
Bare root stock available Oct-April or PRE ORDER NOW and reserve Enhance the look of your property: The Red Horse Chestnut tree-Conker tree is a glorious sight when it blossoms in May with its huge red or pinkish blossom. It's large candles standing erect above the branches. The nuts look like a regular…From: £64.75 View Product -
Red Snake Bark Maple Trees (Acer Capillipes)
Acer Capillipes-Red snake-bark maple trees are beautiful trees. It certainly earns its keep, thanks to its green bark streaked with white that remains attractive all year. In autumn, its distinctively-shaped three-pointed leaves turn bright red and orange before falling. The branches are naturally arching, giving the tree an elegant, spreading shape. Fully hardy, trees require sunny or…From: £67.2 View Product -
River Birch Tree (Betula Nigra)
River Birch Tree (Betula Nigra). The main feature of this small to medium sized spreading tree is its interesting peeling bark. This builds up on the stem and main branches in soft curling layers of pink, orange, grey and brown. The other great advantage of this species is its tolerance of wet soil and seasonal flooding. It…From: £33.91 View Product -
Royal Alder (Alnus Glutinosa Imperialis)
Royal Alder (Alnus Glutinosa Imperialis) is an ideal choice of an unusual tree for a wet site. It is a cut-leaved form of the common alder, and it has all the advantages of that robust species. Soil that is saturated for part of each year suits it very well. The nitrogen fixing nodules found on…From: £36 View Product -
Sargent Cherry Prunus Sargentii Arboretum Tree
Bare root stock available Oct-April or PRE ORDER NOW and reserve Sargent Cherry trees (prunus sargentii). This Japanese tree is commonly planted in towns because it grows strong and gives a reliable early display of soft pink flowers opening amongst it's young bronze leaves. It is the best of all cherries for its…From: £53.33 View Product -
Smooth Japanese Maple Tree (Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum)
Smooth Japanese Maple-(Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum). It requires dappled shade for the best results. It was first recognised in cultivation in 1857, but new seedlings have been repeatedly selected ever since then. The summer and autumn foliage varies according to the origin of the plant. In summer it is bronzey red to deep purple, and in…From: £43.8 View Product -
Snowdrop Tree (Halesia Carolina)
Snowdrop Tree (Halesia carolina) is a deciduous medium-sized tree of exceptional beauty. Very pretty with its spreading branches draped in spring to summer with masses of dainty white bell-shaped flowers. the Snowdrop flowers hang from the branches and are followed by long-lasting, green four winged fruits. The attractive leaves emerge fresh green with the flowers…From: £60.31 View Product -
Strawberry Tree – Arbutus Unedo
Strawberry trees (arbutus unedo) is evergreen. It is a striking tree or shrub with its leathery green leaves, making a superb focal point for any garden both large and small. The creamy/pink heather like flowers appear in autumn followed by plump scarlet red fruits that do indeed look like strawberries but unfortunately do not taste…From: £24 View Product