Showing 21–30 of 42 results
Noble Fir tree (abies procera)
Noble Fir tree (abies procera) is an excellent Christmas tree. It doesn't shed its needles, keeps a good shape, stiff branches will withstand modern Christmas ornaments - and importantly will look good well after Christmas. Can tolerate poor soil conditions, is snow tolerant and withstands exposed sites. Its needles are blue/green, male flowers are deep…From: £2.1 View Product -
Norway Maple Tree (Acer Platanoides)
Bare root stock available Oct-April or PRE ORDER NOW and reserve GOOD AUTUMN COLOURING Norway Maple trees - is a species of maple that is deciduous and can grow up to 20/30 metres tall with a good rounded crown. The bark is grey/brown, the new shoots start off green but become pale brown. …From: £1.26 View Product -
Optimal Shelterbelts/Windbreaks (OSB)
'Optimal Shelterbelts / Windbreaks, OSB, contains 325 trees per 100 metres length. The cost is £1.67 per tree , plus delivery and VAT. This will contain 18 trees 40/60cm (bare root) between October / March of each of these trees - Hornbeam, Black Poplar, Scots Pine, Grey Alder, Common Alder, Aspen, Rowan, Goat Willow, Field…From: £2.00 View Product -
Purple Beech Hedging
Purple Beech hedging (fagus sylvatica purpurea) is grown for its superb foliage and is a beautiful relatively fast growing hedge plant in formal situations. The foliage flushes out bright purple/russet red shades in spring and again after a midsummer trim. Beech is deciduous, but will hold its copper coloured winter leaves. These stay on…From: £4.01 View Product -
Red Alder tree (alnus rubra)
Bare root stock available Oct-April or PRE ORDER NOW and reserve Red Alder (Alnus Rubra) from the North-west American coastal belt this hardy deciduous pioneer is a natural companion to several familiar British grown conifers such as Douglas fir and Sitka spruce. Provenances of red alder from the Cascade Mountains and British Columbia…From: £2.1 View Product -
Red Oak tree (quercus rubra)
Bare root stock available Oct-April or PRE ORDER NOW and reserve Red Oak (quercus rubra) has fantastic red and orange autumn foliage colour. In Britain the Red Oak is by far the most commonly planted American oak. It comes from eastern North America from Nova Scotia to Georgia. The first introductions to Britain were confused by…From: £1.85 View Product -
Rowan Tree Mountain Ash
Bare root stock available Oct-April or PRE ORDER NOW and reserve Rowan Tree or Mountain Ash (sorbus aucuparia) is a native species seen at its best amongst the acid rocky uplands of the north and in Wales. Its display of golden leaves and bunches of radiant scarlet berries on a fine October day is a…From: £1.16 View Product -
Sessile Oak tree (quercus patraea)
Bare root stock available Oct-April or PRE ORDER NOW and reserve Of the two common oaks in Britain the (quercus patraea) sessile oak tends to prefer clay soil or sandy sites. Common and sessile oak are very alike but the sessile oak produces it's acorns directly onto the twigs whereas the common oak…From: £1.72 View Product -
Silver Birch Tree
Bare root stock available Oct-April or PRE ORDER NOW and reserve The Silver Birch tree-Betula Pendula is native and one of the most recognised and popular trees in Britain. Its silvery white bark and drooping branches make this a very decorative tree for planting both as a landscape tree and in small gardens.…From: £1.09 View Product -
Silver Maple (Acer Saccharinum), also known as soft maple or Acer dasycarpum is a beautiful round headed tree. Cut five lobed leaves which are green on top and silvery white underneath which look very stunning when the wind rushes through them. This tree looks good in the autumn with charming leaves that can change to…From: £62.90 View Product