Pot grown trees

Showing 41–50 of 82 results

  • korean fir

    Korean Fir

    Abies Koreana

    Beautiful little fir tree Korean Fir trees-The main feature of this small shapely conifer is its tendency to produce 5-7cm upright cones which in summer are vivid bloomed purple. These appear on small very young trees so for many years they occur at eye level. They contrast well with the blunt grey-green needles. Most trees are slow growing but short lived, seldom exceeding 40 years.
    From: £33.12 View Product
  • Laburnum Watereri Vossii

    Laburnum Watereri Vossii

    Laburnum Watereri Vossii trees are proving a very popular garden tree which is the common name Golden Rain Tree.  The Laburnum has mid green foliage and has a superb display of long racemes of golden yellow flowers often growing to 60cm in length which open in May.
    From: £45.60 View Product
  • Magnolia 'Black Tulip'

    Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’

    Magnolia 'Black Tulip' trees are a good size, 120/150 potted.  Of all the magnolia's this is the deepest in colour of any. Truly beautiful colours. It has deep pink/burgundy flowers that are very eye catching in your garden which emerge in early Spring and followed by glossy large green leaves. The colours of the flowers deepens with maturity. A very good feature for any garden.
    From: £85.00 View Product
  • Magnolia daphne scot pine

    Magnolia Daphne Yellow

    Magnolia Daphne Yellow is a compact Magnolia has the deepest of yellow flowers in Spring and is perfect for the smaller garden or a show piece. With a gently upright habit, Magnolia Daphne Yellow grows to approximately 4 x 2.5 metres over 20 years.
    From: £84.00 View Product
  • Magnolia Grandiflora evergreen

    Magnolia Grandiflora Evergreen

    The Magnolia Grandiflora Evergreen is sometimes seen growing against a wall in a sunny position, but just as likely to be seen as a good specimen shrub. Thick glossy leaves covered beneath by rusty hairs.
    From: £72.00 View Product
  • Magnolia Soulangeana Satisfaction

    Magnolia Satisfaction

    Magnolia Satisfaction is a very attractive small growing Magnolia to reach heights no more than 3 meters.  Magnolia Satisfaction is a later flowering Magnolia which produces beautiful scented two tone pink flowers in April and May.
    From: £81.60 View Product
  • Magnolia-Leonard Messei

    Magnolia-Leonard Messel

    Magnolia-Leonard Messel.  A deciduous, hardy shrub or small tree. Star shaped flowers appear in spring, scented lilac pink.
    From: £38.57 View Product
  • malus golden hornet crab apple

    Malus Golden Hornet Crab Apple

    MALUS GOLDEN HORNET CRAB APPLE - This is one of the most popular crab apple trees in Britain. It was first produced by Waterer's Nursery in England in 1949.
    From: £45.00 View Product
  • acer dissectum maple leaf

    Maple Cut Leaf

    Acer Dissectum Japanese

    Acer Dissectum Japanese Maple Cut Leaf -  A beautiful mound-forming variety, with arching shoots which make a delicate specimen in the ground or an attractive container shrub.
    From: £50.00 View Product
  • acer drummondii maple tree

    Maple Tree

    Acer Drummondii

    The Acer Drummondii Tree is a member of the Norway maple family.  Light green maple shaped leaf emerge and are edged with cream. It can be planted either side of garden entrance gate to create a welcoming approach to your house.
    From: £36.18 View Product